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Have More Time, Have A Better Time.

Getting a cancer diagnosis is one of the scariest medical experiences you can have. It can be discouraging and disempowering. The initial shock is compounded by the bombardment of well intentioned loved ones telling you what you should be doing. You may also be overwhelmed with the speed at which you are required to make big decisions about treatment options like chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery that can feel scary.

We are here to help bring a sense of calmness and clarity to the decision making process. We’ll answer your questions to help demystify your conventional options and take some of the fear out of the process. We’ll also empower you with evidence informed complementary options for your treatment. You have more power to help yourself than you may realize.

Who we help.

We see people who are at all stages of their Cancer treatment. We have protocols to help with those:

  • Undergoing biopsies to establish diagnosis.
  • Undergoing chemotherapy and or radiation to prevent side effects and increase efficacy where possible.
  • Pre and post surgery to help with recovery.
  • Those who have finished their conventional therapy and would like to actively prevent their disease from recurring.

Who we help.

We see people who are at all stages of their Cancer treatment. We have protocols to help with those:

  • Undergoing biopsies to establish diagnosis.
  • Undergoing chemotherapy and or radiation to prevent side effects and increase efficacy where possible.
  • Pre and post surgery to help with recovery.
  • Those who have finished their conventional therapy and would like to actively prevent their disease from recurring.
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What we do.

Our goal is to make your body as hostile as possible to any cancer cells and we seek to choke off the tumor’s nutrient supply using a combination of therapeutics. These include diet, exercise, nutrient supplementation, anti-cancer herbal medicine, IV therapy, and common prescription medications that are emerging as low risk, high reward adjuncts in the battle against cancer.

Where We Start.

Your first appointment (40 mins – 1 hour) will help us establish a baseline of your current health status, find out what your conventional options are at the moment (chemo, radiation, or surgery) and get started right away on the foundational treatment strategies like diet, movement, sleep, and mental/emotional health. I cannot overstate the importance of these foundational therapeutic elements in your recovery. The people who get these right, are the ones who consistently outlive their best before dates. We’ll also develop a supplement and intervention plan tailored to where you are in your journey.

Where we start.

Your first appointment (40 mins – 1 hour) will help us establish a baseline of your current health status, find out what your conventional options are at the moment (chemo, radiation, or surgery) and get started right away on the foundational treatment strategies like diet, movement, sleep, and mental/emotional health. I cannot overstate the importance of these foundational therapeutic elements in your recovery. The people who get these right, are the ones who consistently outlive their best before dates. We’ll also develop a supplement and intervention plan tailored to where you are in your journey.

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